Akansha Vaswani-Bye, PhD

I am a counseling psychologist interested in developing and implementing culturally responsive, evidence-informed, family-centered, and non-pathologizing interventions. My practice and research are informed by postmodern ideas, especially narrative therapy. I provide clinical services at the Madison Clinic at Harborview Medical Center.


Postdoctoral Fellowship, Psychosis Treatment and Recovery, University of Washington, 2021
Psychology Internship, Massachusetts Mental Health Center/Harvard Medical School/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 2020
PhD, University of Massachusetts-Boston, 2020

Department Affiliations

Scholarly Expertise

  • Narrative therapy

Recent Publications

Co-production of a state-funded centralized psychosis and psychosis risk screening, assessment, and referral service.
(2025 Jan)
Schizophr Res 275(): 196-207
Kopelovich SL, Straub K, Vaswani-Bye A, Brian RM, Monroe-DeVita M

Supporting psychosis research, implementation, and training through an academic intermediary-purveyor organization.
(2024 Nov)
Psychol Serv 21(4): 916-927
Kopelovich SL, Brian RM, Vaswani-Bye A, Chwastiak L, McCain C, Shepard V, Zhang W, Tennison M, Fikre S, Monroe-DeVita M

A Thematic Analysis Investigating the Inaugural Psychosis REACH Family Ambassador Peer Training Program.
Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 20(): 233-245
Vaswani-Bye A, McCain C, Blank JM, Tennison ME, Kopelovich SL

First episode psychosis caregiver perspectives on motivational interviewing for loved ones training: A qualitative study.
(2024 Jul)
Early Interv Psychiatry 18(7): 553-560
Ipekci B, Thibeau H, Barnard E, Keshavan MS, Bye AV, Kline ER

Drivers of and Solutions for the Overuse of Antidepressant Medication in Pediatric Populations.
Front Psychiatry 11(): 17
Cosgrove L, Morrill Z, Yusif M, Vaswani A, Cathcart S, Troeger R, Karter JM

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