Larissa Gaias, PhD

Larissa Gaias, Ph.D., is an Acting Assistant Professor of School Mental Health and Implementation Science, located at the SMART Center within the University of Washington School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. In her position, she primarily works with the SMART Center’s Training and Technical Assistance Core (TACore) to support schools, districts, community organizations, state agencies, and other partners in building accessible, effective, and equitable mental health services and systems for youth. She is passionate about building collaborative partnerships that apply knowledge and expertise from research, practice, policy, and lived experience into action. Her research centers on incorporating an equity-explicit lens into the development, implementation, and evaluation of school- and community-based social-emotional, behavioral, and mental health practices and policies. Larissa also has methodological expertise that spans quantitative, qualitative, mixed, and participatory approaches.

Department Affiliations

Recent Publications

Understanding the Role of Clinical Champions and Their Impact on Clinician Behavior Change: The Need for Causal Pathway Mechanisms.
Front Health Serv 2(): 896885
Morena AL, Gaias LM, Larkin C

Addressing the "Last Mile" Problem in Educational Research: Educational Researchers' Interest, Knowledge, and Use of Implementation Science Constructs.
Educ Res Eval 28(7-8): 205-233
Gaias LM, Cook CR, Brewer SK, Bruns EJ, Lyon AR

Promoting caregiver involvement at the public library: An evaluation of a math and science storytime program for young children.
Front Psychol 13(): 1049694
Gaias L, Taylor M, Pratt ME, Whelan M

A Mixed-Method Study Examining Solutions to Common Barriers to Teachers' Adoption of Evidence-Based Classroom Practices.
(2022 Sep)
Psychol Sch 59(9): 1825-1843
Merle JL, Larson MF, Cook CR, Brewer SK, Hamlin C, Duong M, McGinnis JL, Thayer AJ, Gaias LM, Lyon AR

A Cluster Randomized Pilot Trial of the Equity-Explicit Establish-Maintain-Restore Program among High School Teachers and Students.
School Ment Health 14(4): 951-966
Duong MT, Gaias LM, Brown E, Kiche S, Nguyen L, Corbin CM, Chandler CJ, Buntain-Ricklefs JJ, Cook CR

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