At the department annual meeting in June, we honored several members of our faculty and staff who have contributed in various ways to the success of our department. A big congratulations to each of them! And thank you also to the Staff Awards Committee (Semhar Abraha, Lori Ferro, MHA, PMP, Winnie Ho, Maya Magarati, PhD, Sara Ochoa, MEd and Michele Roe) and the Faculty Awards Committee (Heidi Combs, MD, MS; Deb Cowley, MD; Ray Hsiao, MD; Ty Lostutter, PhD; Elizabeth McCauley, PhD; Suzanne Murray, MD; Marcella Pascualy, MD; Jagoda Pasic, MD, PhD; Anna Ratzliff, MD, PhD; and Chris Varley, MD).
Exceptional Professional Staff Award:
Meg Brunner, MLIS
The Exceptional Professional Staff Award honors and celebrates the valuable efforts a professional staff member makes toward supporting the mission of the department. The award recognizes individuals for their overall dedication and service and for upholding our core values of collaboration, continuous learning and mentorship, and integrity and accountability. This year’s Exceptional Professional Staff Award went to Meg Brunner, MLIS, Director of Information Services at the Addictions, Drugs and Alcohol Institute (ADAI). These excerpts from her nomination packets give a hint at her exceptional service:
“I know I can reach out to Meg regarding a range of issues, and without fail, she will be able to aid in resolving the issue. If she cannot address the issue herself, then without fail she will do the legwork to identify the person that can.”
“Meg’s creativity in her work is also outstanding, and she has been instrumental in pushing a number of ADAI initiatives forward, including those that have enhanced diversity, equity and inclusion. I have found Meg to be an exceptional colleague that goes above and beyond in all aspects of her work”.
Exceptional Classified Staff Award:
Joanne Quiray
The Exceptional Classified Staff Award honors and celebrates the valuable efforts a classified staff member makes toward supporting the mission of the department. The award recognizes individuals for their overall dedication and service and for upholding our core values of collaboration, continuous learning and mentorship, and integrity and accountability. This year’s Exceptional Classified Staff Award went to Joanne Quiray, Research Study Coordinator Lead for the Perinatal Mental Health & Substance Use Education, Research & Clinical Consultation (PERC) Center. These excerpts from their nomination packets give a hint at their exceptional service:
“Joanne brings curiosity and consideration to improve existing tools, workflow, processes – they do not settle for just ‘good enough’. They patiently teach me and colleagues what they have learned – sometimes multiple times without complaint or judgment.”
“Working with them is always a collaborative process and ideas are bounced off each other freely. Joanne is truly a joy to work with and their influence has made me a better member of this Department.”
Exceptional Team Award:
AIMS Center Staff DEI Committee
The Exceptional Team Award was born from the recognition that we have an incredible number of effective teams that support our work and that no one person acts in isolation. The winner of this year’s Exceptional Team Award is the AIMS Center DEI Committee. Members include Paul Barry, MSW, LICSW; Alan Gojdics, MEd; Anna Hink, MSW, LICSW; Kristi Malmstrom, Sara Ochoa, MEd; and Juliann Salisbury, MSW. An excerpt from their nomination says, “The DEI Committee has been committed to making concrete changes and actually moving the needle along, moving past just talking about changing things. They should be commended for their commitment to this important work.”
Gary J. Tucker Career Teaching Award
Steven Engelberg, MD
The Gary J. Tucker Career Teaching Award, named in honor of the Chair of our department from 1985 through 1997, recognizes exceptional career achievement in teaching and education and honors Dr. Tucker’s significant contributions to our academic programs, his leadership and dedication as a teacher, clinician, and scholar, his love of teaching, and his ability to inspire and encourage trainees.
The award is given to a member of the academic or clinical faculty who has demonstrated, throughout their career, outstanding skills as a teacher and dedication to education. This year, the award was given to courtesy faculty member Steven Engelberg, MD.
Salaried Clinical Pathway Outstanding Mentor Award
Jesse Fann, MD, PhD
The Salaried Clinical Pathway Outstanding Mentor Award recognizes a faculty member who has done an outstanding job mentoring and furthering the careers of salaried clinical faculty members (e.g., mentoring about developing clinical expertise, achieving regional and national recognition, developing and leading clinical programs, or how to be promoted in this pathway).
Clinician Teacher Pathway Outstanding Mentor
Marcela Pascualy, MD
The Clinician Teacher Pathway Outstanding Mentor Award recognizes a faculty
member who has done an outstanding job mentoring and furthering the careers of
clinician teacher faculty members.