Project Type(s):
This project will develop a resource toolkit for clinician survivors of suicide loss. For clinicians, the death of a patient by suicide is a dreaded event and can be more distressing than death and dying encountered in other clinical situations. In response to patient suicide, some clinician survivors experience emotional and psychological distress that may reach clinical levels and negative and sometimes persisting effects on professional practice. Building on existing reference materials, we will develop a toolkit of resources to guide and support faculty, clinical staff and trainee clinician-survivors affiliated with the department hospitals. These resources would address educational, emotional, administrative and spiritual needs of clinician-survivors.
Project Period:
July 1, 2022 — June 30, 2023
Funding Type(s):
Mary. E Nelson Charitable Remainder Trust, Heidi Combs Trustee
Geographic Area(s):
Practice Type(s):
Hospital, Online/remote/apps/social media
Patient Population(s):
Targeted Condition(s):
Suicidal Ideation