Hower Kwon, MD
Medical school: New York University School of Medicine, New York
Residency: Psychiatry, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Los Angeles
Fellowship: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Los Angeles and Pediatric Neuroimaging
Research Fellowship, Stanford University - Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Stanford
Department Affiliations
Other Affiliations
Autism Center – Seattle Children’s Hospital
Scholarly Expertise
Clinical Expertise
- Adolescent/young adult
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Child and adolescent psychiatry/psychology
- Forensic psychiatry/psychology
- Intellectual disability
- Neuropsychiatric disorders
- Outpatient psychiatry/psychology
- Neuropsychiatry
- Developmental Delays
Recent Publications
Hippocampal size positively correlates with verbal IQ in male children.
Hippocampus 17(6): 486-93
Schumann CM, Hamstra J, Goodlin-Jones BL, Kwon H, Reiss AL, Amaral DG
Hippocampus 17(6): 486-93
Schumann CM, Hamstra J, Goodlin-Jones BL, Kwon H, Reiss AL, Amaral DG
Risk factors for the emergence of psychotic disorders in adolescents with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.
(2007 Apr)
Am J Psychiatry 164(4): 663-9
Gothelf D, Feinstein C, Thompson T, Gu E, Penniman L, Van Stone E, Kwon H, Eliez S, Reiss AL
(2007 Apr)
Am J Psychiatry 164(4): 663-9
Gothelf D, Feinstein C, Thompson T, Gu E, Penniman L, Van Stone E, Kwon H, Eliez S, Reiss AL
COMT genotype predicts longitudinal cognitive decline and psychosis in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.
(2005 Nov)
Nat Neurosci 8(11): 1500-2
Gothelf D, Eliez S, Thompson T, Hinard C, Penniman L, Feinstein C, Kwon H, Jin S, Jo B, Antonarakis SE, Morris MA, Reiss AL
(2005 Nov)
Nat Neurosci 8(11): 1500-2
Gothelf D, Eliez S, Thompson T, Hinard C, Penniman L, Feinstein C, Kwon H, Jin S, Jo B, Antonarakis SE, Morris MA, Reiss AL
Voxel-based morphometry elucidates structural neuroanatomy of high-functioning autism and Asperger syndrome.
(2004 Nov)
Dev Med Child Neurol 46(11): 760-4
Kwon H, Ow AW, Pedatella KE, Lotspeich LJ, Reiss AL
(2004 Nov)
Dev Med Child Neurol 46(11): 760-4
Kwon H, Ow AW, Pedatella KE, Lotspeich LJ, Reiss AL
The amygdala is enlarged in children but not adolescents with autism; the hippocampus is enlarged at all ages.
(2004 Jul 14)
J Neurosci 24(28): 6392-401
Schumann CM, Hamstra J, Goodlin-Jones BL, Lotspeich LJ, Kwon H, Buonocore MH, Lammers CR, Reiss AL, Amaral DG
(2004 Jul 14)
J Neurosci 24(28): 6392-401
Schumann CM, Hamstra J, Goodlin-Jones BL, Lotspeich LJ, Kwon H, Buonocore MH, Lammers CR, Reiss AL, Amaral DG
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