Gretchen Gudmundsen
Personal Statement
Dr. Gudmundsen works at Seattle Children’s with a focus on adolescents with mood disorders. She is based in the Mood and Anxiety Program and mostly works with adolescents with depression and suicidality, in addition to anxiety and bipolar spectrum disorders. This work almost always involves parents and families, in addition to other key players such as teachers or medical providers. She typically administers BA, CAMS, or CBT, but also does some IPSRT with youth with mania. In addition to serving as the Child Track Training Coordinator for the UW Psychology Internship, she is also an outpatient supervisor for Psychology Residents and Postdoctoral Fellows. She also provides consultation to the Child Psychiatry Fellows, Medical Students and to School-Based Mental Health Therapists in the Seattle Public Schools. She is involved with program development for trainees, as well as the Mood and Anxiety Specialty Program. Her research focuses on developing and tailoring interventions for adolescent depression, including the Adolescent Behavioral Activation Program (A-BAP).
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching style is reflective of how I was trained as a scientist practitioner. I ground teaching in the empirical literature and then speak to how the concepts manifest in real life with real patients and diverse clinical settings.
Recent Publications
(2023 May)
Dev Psychopathol 35(2): 730-748
Racz SJ, McMahon RJ, Gudmundsen G, McCauley E, Vander Stoep A
(2019 May-Jun)
J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol 48(3): 501-515
Gudmundsen GR, Rhew IC, McCauley E, Kim J, Vander Stoep A
J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol 45(3): 291-304
McCauley E, Gudmundsen G, Schloredt K, Martell C, Rhew I, Hubley S, Dimidjian S
(2013 Aug 1)
School Ment Health 5(3):
Lyon AR, Ludwig KA, Stoep AV, Gudmundsen G, McCauley E
(2012 Sep)
Depress Anxiety 29(9): 824-32
Vine M, Vander Stoep A, Bell J, Rhew IC, Gudmundsen G, McCauley E
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